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BCC 100 Club 2024

BCC 100 Club 2024

Sarah Probert8 Feb - 13:27
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Join our 100 Club this year - don't delay.

The Bristol Cricket Club '100 Club' for 2024 is due to start again this April.

As normal, it will run from April-September (6 months) with monthly draws to coincide with the cricket season.

2024 Subscriptions:

Monthly DD - £10 per month, payable by direct debit before the 15th of each month starting April 2024
Annual DD - £60 as a one-off payment, payable by direct debit before the 15th April 2024
Cash - £60 as a one-off payment, payable in cash by 15th April 2024

Total cost per number, £60 per annum, whichever method you choose.

2024 Monthly Prizes:

1ST PRIZE - £200
2ND PRIZE - £100
3RD PRIZE - £50

We very much hope that you will continue to support Bristol CC, ie your Club. All monies will be used to improve our cricket facilities up at the ground (ie new wickets, electronic scoreboards, better practice facilities, new sight screens, etc).

To JOIN NOW, please click on this link for the Application Form.

The first draw for 2024 will be made usually by the 1st League weekend.

Further reading